wHaTs HOTttt NoW!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

DOn't MeSsInG ArRoUnD DuDe..;p

Hello guyz...
Have you joking around with your frenz about sumthing that not funny.. ok.. sumtime.. it juz won't ever be funny at all..;p
lets say you joke about the hell or sumthing.. c'mon..its real people...don't talk about sumthing you don't know...

As For me(Take note B.U.D.D.Y), DON'T YOU DARE to joke me about S.N.A.K.e...!!!!!
You better watch out, only if u brave enough tho and think that a size-7 slipper might taste like a Baskin Robin Strawberry ice cream...(you dont have to wonder if that thing can ever be in your mouth..bcoz believe me it will dear...your mouth is more flexible than u think);p

So, here is a video showing that..
 april fool things sometime could be your most "enjoyable" moment...;p
 juz prepare some medical aid box dude..else..i think is fine..;p  
You can give me this video at any time n places.. ill still laughing at the same tone as my first time watching it..;p

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